Jeg er født i 1982 i Danmark. Min mor er dansk, og min far kommer fra Tjekkiet. Jeg har boet i udlandet igennem mange år. Både i Tjekkiet, USA, London og Norge. Jeg besluttede, at flytte tilbage til Danmark i 2011 for at færdiggøre min uddannelse som psykolog, og bor nu i København med min familie, hvor jeg arbejder som privat praktiserende klinisk psykolog, coach og parterapeut.
Min bachelor i psykolog læste jeg i London og færdiggjorde min uddannelse som psykolog (cand.psych) fra Københavns Universitet i 2015. Jeg blev autoriseret ved Psykolognævnet i 2018.
Mit daglige arbjede består typisk af følgende opgaver:
Jeg modtager løbende supervision fra andre psykologer.
Tidligere erfaringer
Tidligere har jeg arbejdet som praksiskandidat ved Neokognitivt institut - kognitiv og metakognitiv psykologklinik, København. Stillingen bestod primært i at behandle sygesikringsklienter, som var henvist på 11 forskellige henvisningsårsager. Derudover har jeg erfaringer inden for følgende områder: udviklingsarbejde (Verdensbanken i Washington DC, USA), psykiatrisk akutmodtagelse, misbrugs- og prostitutionsområdet samt autisme- og asylområdet.
Du er velkommen til at kontakte mig, hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål til min faglige profil.
I am born in 1982 in Denmark. My mother is Danish, and my father is from the Czech Republic. I have lived abroad for many years, including in the Czech Republic, USA, London, and Norway. I decided to move back to Denmark in 2011 to complete my psychology degree and now reside in Copenhagen with my family. I work as a private practicing licensed clinical psychologist, coach, and couples therapist.
I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Psychology in London and completed my Master's degree (cand.psych) in Psychology from the University of Copenhagen in 2015. I became licensed by the Danish Psychological Association in 2018.
In my daily work, I typically engage in the following tasks:
Teaching experience
I have taught employees in the unemployment insurance fund sector, psychotherapy students, as well as private clients with diverse educational backgrounds, including psychologists, dentists, customer service representatives, teachers, educators, managers, nurses, psychotherapists, coaches, social workers, and public health nurses.
I receive ongoing supervision from other psychologists.
Previous experiences
Previously, I worked as a practice candidate at the Neocognitive Institute - a cognitive and metacognitive psychology clinic in Copenhagen. The position primarily involved treating clients covered by public health insurance referred for 11 different reasons. Additionally, I have experiences in the following areas: development work (World Bank in Washington DC, USA), psychiatric emergency care, substance abuse and prostitution, as well as autism and asylum.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions regarding my professional profile.
Medlem af Dansk Psykolog Forening/Member of The Danish Psychological Association
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